Safer Healthcare: Policies & Procedures
In order to establish policies and procedures to prepare for an ICE visit, it is helpful to have a few resources, including:
-Algorithm to hang in the clinical setting for quick reference
-Summary document for quick reference
-Detailed document covering the procedures and the rationale behind them
-Frequently asked question (FAQ) document for staff that combines information from the algorithm and the more detailed procedures document.
Consider including the following components in policies about supporting ALL patients:
- Facility will provide care to all patients regardless of citizenship status
- Providers will ask about/document country of origin & documentation status ONLY if helpful in clinical care
- Patient presence in clinic & medical records will not be released to law enforcement without the appropriate warrants
- Policy for ICE encounters on institutional property: these encounters should be treated like a medical code (e.g. code blue) with tasks assigned and key people being brought to the site of the emergency.
- Clear outline of what is ‘private/ non-public’ property
- Staff are not allowed to let ICE officers to enter and search-Who to call: on- and off-duty hours-Clear plan for how to train providers in “Code Colds”
- Explicit clarification that “Sanctuary” is not a legal term
Below you will find examples of ICE Response policies & procedures that you can modify and adapt to your setting.
Sample ICE Response Policies & Procedures
San Francisco Department of Public Health
Quick Reference Policies & Procedures for Encounters with ICE (March 2017)
San Francisco Department of Public Health
Detailed Policies & Procedures for Encounters with ICE (March 2017)
University of California Office of the General Counsel
FAQ For Staff Regarding ICE Activity (March 2017)
Provides specific action steps in the event of an ICE encounter as well as legal rationale for recommendations.